Follow our journey through the Panama Canal to Tahiti, via the Galapagos and the Marquesas aboard the beautiful Oyster 56, Quester. If you want to start at the beginning of our trip you'll have to scroll to the bottom post - sorry it can't be re-sorted.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Canal Transit Plans from Oyster

Thought you might be interested in this update from Oyster's Logistics team.  It gives one a sense of the organizational detail, and the advantage of going with a well-staged rally vs. on your own.

Did you know that the Pacific side of the Canal is EAST of the Atlantic side?  Check it on Google Maps

Example email from the organizers follows...

Hello from Oyster - Shelter Bay, Colon

Shelter Bay Arrival
We have arranged that yachts can fuel at Shelter Bay Marina on arrival (i.e. There is no need to take a berth and pre-pay as previously stated in the Rally Guide), please settle your account for fuel by cash or credit card in the Marina Office after berthing. Diesel price at Shelter Bay is currently:
$4.36/ US gallon up to 1000 litres 
$4.30 / US gallon over 1000 litres
$4.24 / US gallon over 3000 litres 
At Flamenco Marina on Pacific side current price is $4.13/US gallon. All prices are duty free.

Please let me know roughly how much fuel you expect to require on arrival at Shelter Bay along with updated ETA if not already advised.

Panama Canal Transit Update
The Panama Canal is currently in high season for yacht transits and boats are experiencing a delay of six days on their expected transit dates. With Carnival festivities about to commence waiting times are expected to increase. However, the Panama Canal Authorities are being very co-operative in assisting the Oyster World Rally fleet, and have given us the following schedule for transits. This is a few days in advance of their forecasted dates.

Departing 16 February:

Aequitas 47  Buoy
AMELIE 53   Buoy
Stiarna 47    Buoy

Wolfhound 54              Buoy
Om Shanti 54              Buoy

Babe 54                      Buoy
In Flagranti 54            Buoy

Crazy Daisy 56
Fario 56

Departing 17 February:

Proteus 65    
VALENTINE 66        
Sotto Vento 65          

Departing 18 February:

Pandemonium 82      
Lush 88  
Departing 19 February:

Quester 56     Buoy*   
Chinook 56     Buoy

Spent 56         Buoy
SULANA 56     Buoy
Purusha 56     Buoy

Legend 57     
Satika 57        Buoy

Mariela 56      Buoy
Yantina 56      Buoy

Yachts will be rafted in either two’s or three’s as indicated above, with the yacht name in capital letters in the centre of the ‘nest’.  Yachts on the outside of the nest (and those transiting in pairs) will need to have bow line, stern line and two spring lines rigged and ready for connecting to the centre yacht.

All yachts will transit over two days, spending a night in the Gatun Lake. *Those yachts marked ‘Buoy’ will tie alongside a large mooring buoy in the lake, the remaining yachts will anchor in 125-150 feet of water.

In case of problems with the mooring buoys, all yachts should be prepared to anchor.  Those commencing transit on 17th  & 18th  may be able to use the buoys if no smaller yachts require them. You will be advised by your Pilot on the day.

All transits are expected to follow the same approximate schedule:

13:00 Yachts are expected to be anchored in the ‘flats’ area outside of the canal, awaiting the arrival of their Advisors / Pilots.

16:00 Expected arrival time at first lock

Anchor/ raft to buoys overnight, Advisors/Pilots will leave for the night.

06:00 Advisors/Pilots arrive on board

15:00 Transit Complete, Advisors/Pilots will disembark at Buoy Number 8 (off La Playita), yachts to proceed to their chosen anchorage.

Panama Canal Briefing – 15th February
We will be holding a briefing in the upstairs lounge at Shelter Bay Marina starting at 09:00 prompt on Friday 15th February to run through the arrangements for the Transits. Two people per yacht may attend the briefing. At some earlier point we will try to arrange a less formal get-together so that yachts can make arrangements for sharing lines and line handlers for the transit if necessary.

A limited number of Panama Canal Lines are available to rent from Pesqueros Chandlery in Shelter Bay. The price is $80/ 4 lines, plus a $120 deposit which is refundable when the lines are returned to the Pesqueros shop on the Pacific side of the Canal. I have not yet reserved any lines for yachts who have requested them as will wait to see if you wish to work out line-sharing amongst the fleet. If you wish me to go ahead and reserve lines for you please confirm by email.

Fort San Lorenzo Party – 15th February
Transport to the party will leave Shelter Bay slightly earlier than previously thought at 11:30, as the National Parks Authority have allowed us access to the Fort until 16:00.

Berthing on Pacific Side
As expected unfortunately neither Flamenco nor La Playita marina have spaces available for the fleet. They do however have a record of our arrival dates and will advise if any spaces become available. The anchorage on La Playita side of the causeway seems offer the best protection from current wind conditions, and we are hoping to receive a special rate for dinghy dockage shortly.

The team at Shelter Bay Marina and the Dock Restaurant are working hard to cater for our arrival. Details of their plans will be advised in a separate email in the coming days.

Look forward to seeing you all in Panama,


Debbie Johnson
Event Manager, Oyster World Rally

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