Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1st

DISTANCE TO GALAPAGOS: 277NM , 109NM made good noon to noon

CONDITIONS: Cooler, dryer air, steady SW winds 10-15kts. PC skies.

PROPULSION: Sailing only now for two days - no engine!! Tacking upwind.

MECHANICALS: Tried to fix the toaster which hit the floor during our wild & rainy night. Cleaned raw water intake strainers.

CREW CONDITION: Everyone doing well except we are all very sad that Joe's dog was suffering from cancer and had to be put down today.

EXCITEMENT: Steady winds, smooth sailing, very comfortable.

COMMENTS: It has been such a blessing to have two days of steady 10-15kt winds which move Quester along at a respectable 5-6kt pace. Even though we're tacking 100 degrees away from our first destination, San Cristobol, we're making 5-6 kts VMG in that direction with the help of the considerable current from behind the boat. Spirits up except for above mentioned sadness.

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